CURSED 1.2 Patch Notes (Traps Update)

The Traps Update is out now. 1.2 is focused primarily on adding new traps and fixing issues with the game from last update. (doors *cough*)

Traps Update

  • Added Sidegrading - When upgrading, you can now choose which upgrade you want. But, watch out, you can’t undo your choices!
  • Trap Sidegrade: Silver Trap - Recharges a use after 5 seconds
  • Door Sidegrade: Glass Door - Can’t be opened, but has a lot of hp.
  • Trapped Door Sidegrade: Steam Door - has 5 hp, but closes back up very quick.
  • Barricade Sidegrade: Neo Barricade - You can walk through it, but has less hp than reinforced barricade.
  • Added Spikes - A new trap type that deals small damage but has lots of uses
    • Iron Spikes - More health and damage
    • Poison Spikes - Applies poison effect too
  • Added Electric Zapper - An automatically recharging electricity zapper that can deal crowd damage if close enough.
    • Fire Zapper - Spawns fire instead which can damage creatures over time
    • Super Zapper - A stronger electricity.
  • Added Landmine - Explodes when a creature hits it. It has one use.
    • Nuclear Landmine - Bigger explosion.
    • Eco Landmine - Multi-use landmine.
  • Added unique respawn sound to Respawn Portals.
  • Updated Traps to not break when they run out of uses, instead, they become disabled to show they have run out of uses.
  • Updated Traps and Barricade likelihood of being traveled over to be more common. AIs should prefer going through barricades compared to windows.
  • Updated Traps to be able to be healed by double-clicking.
  • Updated Barricades… A lot. Everything from traps to windows are now technically barricades. Helps save on events.
  • Updated Couch to be able to be slept on like beds.
  • Updated Copper Trap to cost less (125 -> 75)
  • Updated Global Balls description.
  • Fixed Door Collision working opposite of how it was supposed to.
  • Fixed Delivery Pad grid snap
  • Fixed Text being hard to read at night by changing it to grey.
  • Fixed Creatures rarely going through walls.
  • Fixed Trapped Doors enabling god mode after breaking.


Haunted (6).zip Play in browser
2 days ago

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