Mineshaft Crossing

Cross paths with monsters as you try to exterminate all the monsters from the mineshaft. Use your pickaxe to destroy all the monsters.

Enter randomized worlds with a customizable difficulty option to challenge yourself or do the exact opposite of challenging yourself.

All of this information below is also in-game.


  • Arrow Keys to move
  • Space to enable run mode
  • CTRL to manually disable run mode
  • Shift to swing your pickaxe to destroy monsters and blocks. You can only attack while standing still.
  • CTRL when your pickaxe hits a vortex to destroy it and takes a life.

How 2 Play

Monsters - They move toward you and will attack you. Use your pickaxe with Shift to attack them. You can hit them from a tile away.

Mad Monsters - Only appear on harder difficulties, they are faster variants of regular monsters.

Scared Monsters - Only on harder, they act differently...

Lives - You have 3 lives at the start of the game. When you are killed, you lose a life. When you lose all your lives you lose and are sent back to the menu. Lives can be found as items in the world to increase your lives.

Golden Lives - A golden life that grants 3 lives. Only on harder difficulties.

Checkpoints - When you reach a checkpoint, you will respawn there.

Slime - Stops you from running

Electric - Only on harder difficulties, causes you to run faster than usual. If you hit it with your pickaxe it blows up.

Vortex - Only on harder difficulties, it kills you if you touch it. It can be destroyed by holding Shift when your pickaxe hits it.

Ice Block - A frozen block that contains a Mad monster, when broken, it unleashes the Monster. Harder difficulties only.

Fake Block - A wall block that looks like it is in your way, but you can walk through it. Only on harder.

Made for VimJam 4

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