Everything is on title screen or below


Arrow Keys to move

Space to flashlight

Click on a camera button to look at camera

Backspace to exit cameras

Hold mouse over doors to close them

Click on Laundry Launchers to fire them

Click on remote to reset TV.


Randy - Left Door

Vault Boy - Right Door

The Bathroom - Left Door

Donald Trump - Right Door (he's fast!)

Ghost - Upper Hallway, use flashlight

Reindeer - Keep TV on. He despawns at 3AM in all modes except hard.

Nightmare Reindeer - Spawns once Reindeer despawns, use laundry launcher.

Chicken Bomb - Spawns at a door randomly, close it.

Weeping Angel - Becomes active at 4AM (3AM on hard), keep flashlight on it to keep it from moving.


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when mobile Version?